We consider the fundamental color selection tools to be Fan Decks, Color Chips, and Color Systems. These three product categories cover a vast portion of the color tool landscape, and without them the color industry would not be what it is today. These products are used in color decisions of any kind, from selecting interior or exterior color to pairing the right color combinations for a project.
This is probably the most widely recognized color tool. Color Chips are the color tool available wherever paint is sold so that consumers can preview color options before purchasing paint.
Chipped color is an essential color product that translates across a wide variety of product needs. Commonly known as color 'samples', 'swatches', etc., these individual color chips are a mainstay in the color industry.
As a single-source reference for professionals and consumers alike the fan deck is an essential color tool. Unlike a color wheel, a fan deck consists of easy-to-view strips arranged by color family featuring various shades and intensities of the same hue.
We also offer a unique double-sided fan deck, giving you maximum color in a single tool.
Color Systems are complete, organized color selections specific to each brand or company's specifications. Easy to navigate and visually appealing. color systems.
"With a double sided fan deck, there is room for double the number of colors in a single display..."